Saturday, December 30, 2017

Scene examples

Here's some examples of existing Emily scenes. You can vote and comment regarding future state of such at Patreon.


  1. I say the first and third, are these the finished scenes?

    1. It's an examples of future illustrations for the game which are being voted at patreon

    2. nice work you have very progress my dear friend :)

      I have old question for you, you can add (daughter)in the first creation servant plz before complete ending your game. i wish hardly live fight adventure with she :) (is important for me)

      bonus my other friend have ask me question for you,
      you can return with double teleportation with (city stone) (for city only) dont change other item

      question friends 2: you translate in french one day ?

      question friend 3: .... sorry i dont remember all question :P

      bonus for you i very love your update with body portrait and more zone exploration with different city

      sorry for my fault :) pass a good day

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. They're pretty well-made. If I may ask though, will they, like many descriptive scenes, imply only masculine form of player character?

    1. They imply player having a penetrative device, yes.

  4. Update coming soon? Its been a month.

  5. Damn.....wasn't expecting that xD

  6. Keep having a problem/bug where after I save a game and exit, then come back at a later time and reload the save, all my slaves are gone!!! I've had this problem both on a Windows 7 (32-bit) OS, and now on Mac OS (64-bit) both unmodded and modded versions.
