Also, check out latest post about upcoming features
Fixed random start player beauty
Fixed couple guild related bugs
Fixed a bug with tattoo panel
Fixed xp bug
New reputation features:
On low reputation you will be hunted by local patrols. Chance is based on your reputation and is reduced with scout's awareness
Low reputation will cause slaver guilds slaves to cost more
New criminal Hub - Umbra
Access can be purchased from Sebastian
Can now sell untamed slaves to Sebastian and Umbra for quick upgrade points and reputation penalty
Refined Brand will prevent slaves from stealing and agitating others
Numerous GUI improvements
Numerous code improvements
New minor sidequest
Sprite for Ayda
Slave end of day health regeneration nerfed
Daily events will feature character portrait (if exists)
Redone most weight random chances including slave race and origin generation including both encounters and guilds
Research Subject occupation revamped to be less safe and belongs to Umbra now
Fucktoy occupation renamed into Exotic Whore
New Fucktoy occupation now available in Umbra - emphasis on subjugation and abuse
Reputation now can't drop below -50 and raise above 50
Minimum amount of xp received by character is set to 1
Handcuff price increased to 250 and prevents escape completely
Frail Trait reduces max strength by 2 and agility by 1 instead of 3/3
Modified attributes are now colorcoded in slave's tab
Fixed a couple of gear related bugs
Fixed slaves with locked relationship asking for them for levelups
Fixed tattoo effect disappearing if you apply same tattoo to too many bodyparts
Fixed leveling request of gear item